U is for Understatement of the century

No… seriously.

Five days ago I wrote a post saying that this was the most unproductive summer I have had for ages and how it’s good for me to take a break and all. And then the bombshell hit.

I put my current work in process on ice and started another one. And in just three days I’m up 9 THOUSAND words. I don’t know what’s happening but I’m just grabbing my laptop and holding on for dear life.

I start work in ten days. Technically I could be up to 40k words by then. Doubt it, but I think I shall be close. The words are just pouring out of me.

I can’t tell you about it though, because then the magic will go away. I just hope it will be beautiful.

…and don’t worry about my other one, the Saltbridge Hollow #1. I put “A Tale of Spiders and Canned Soup” for hold for over a year while suddenly finding myself writing “Stargazing” and both books are out now and all is well.

Reminder that you can check out my novels here.

And you can read 10+ short stories for free here.

I Love You Nora Whispered Character Presentation – minor characters

Author note: As a celebration of finishing my fifth novel I’m going to once a week for the next five weeks do presentations of characters from my newest novel “I Love You Nora Whispered”. It’s a story set in England during the 1940s.

In this post I want to focus on minor characters, the families that Katherine and Nora come from.

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Review of Awakened by Fate


“Awakened by Fate” is a novel that means a lot to its author, that much is clear whenever she mentions it. I had attempted to read this once but my work was very stressful at the moment so I put it on hold and read it during the summer when I had a better time focusing and I’m happy I did.

“Awakened by Fate” is about Jackie, a woman who is living somebody else’s life. In an unhappy but open marriage with a man, she gets by through flings with women and drinking too much. Her life is forever changed when she is in a car crash after a party. After that she is introduced to a spiritual lifestyle, a shift that she desperately needs. I sometimes had problems liking Jackie, I didn’t agree with some of her choices, especially choices made before the accident but I also think that’s why I liked her by the end. I had seen her grow and accepted, just like she had too, that she wasn’t perfect.

I actually also liked the annoying husband – Kyle – who I understand I was probably not supposed to like at all; but he was so human with his shifting of blame and hypocrisy. I liked how he was portrayed.

I probably wouldn’t have read this book if I hadn’t interacted with the author. The contents are different than what I usually choses but honestly? It was nice. I’ve never read a lesfic like it. It feels like a story of personal growth mixed in with non-fiction and self-help and I don’t mean it in a bad way. I recommend it to anyone who wants to read a lesfic that is about a person rather than about a couple. The story is about Jackie, there might be other people there, but she owns it. It’s her story and that I liked.


Awakened by Fate” is written by Lynn Lawler, a very nice woman who runs an amazing blog featuring lesfic reviews and interviews with authors. Even if you’re not interested in her book I implore you to check out her blog which you can find here. She puts a lot of energy and time into helping lesbian fiction grow and spread both on her blog and through different Facebook groups.

If you’re interested she has reviewed one of my novels plus interviewed me a few years ago.

Thanks for reading!

Review of Take Me Home by Ria M Apple

I don’t know about the rest of lesfic-reading people but I’m very bad at checking out new authors, which sucks because I’m a writer myself. I tend to find a few authors I like, a few books I like, and just read them over and over. I’m a chronic re-reader, self-diagnosed, landing somewhere between ashamed and proud. This summer I wanted to push myself to discover a couple of new authors and a couple of new books.

“Take Me Home” is one of the two novels/novellas that the author Ria M Apple has written. It’s the story of two young people who take a long car ride together and pretty much are enamored from the start. The narrative exists inside the head of 21-year-old Mia Alfred and the type of writing is very stream-of-consciousness. At times I loved it. How can you not love a book that has this as a quote:


I couldn’t help but fall in love with the main character, Mia. I liked the way her mind took little detours or added silly little details all of a sudden, sometimes things that had nothing to do with the story. I liked that she had left her hometown even if she failed at explaining why (at least to me). She was more than believable as a character who is 21-years-old and on the cusp of maturity.

I also liked her love-interest, Gen Bennet. I like how their conversation is more bantering than anything, biting and fun and getting deeper and deeper.

As you can see there is loads to like about this book and I still had trouble finishing it. I don’t mean to be mean, I have read other reviews of “Take Me Home” and they say the same thing. This book needs major editing. Spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes, formatting mistakes etc… sometimes pretty bad ones.

I’m not trying to make the author feel bad, should she read this review – like I said before, I actually loved it. I self-published “State of Emergency” and I know that there are mistakes in there even after several beta readings and self-edits. I desperately hope to publish it through my publisher in the future (and am planning to ask soon) since it would be gold to have a professional editor to look at it. Editing is needed, that’s all I mean. It’s almost impossible to only self-edit your work. “Take Me Home” is a lovely story, I think it deserves better.

I do recommend it as a nice romantic story, I enjoyed it very much at times.

Thanks for reading!

Am I an Out and Proud Lesfic Author?

While doing my writing this morning, I found myself listening to Lesbians Who Write podcast with Clare Lydon and T.B. Markinson. Specifically episode 17 which asks the question “Are you an out and proud lesbian fiction author?” which, naturally, made me wonder.

So… am I?

I’m very out as a lesbian. To my family (including the muslim side). To my coworker and boss. To my students. Not in the way that I announce that I’m gay (although I have of course said these words) but more like “oh yeah, we’ve always wanted to try that too. My wife and I, that is.” I bring her up in regular conversation, just like straight people do.

…but when it comes to my writing? Am I proud to write for the genre that I do?

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A Tale of Spiders and Canned Soup – teaser

In a few weeks my new novel “A Tale of Spiders and Canned Soup” will be out.

The blurb can be found here.

“A knock on the open door brought her back to reality. And there Mika was. Light blue eyes, widened as if from exertion and a panting, strawberry mouth. Her hair, a golden messy thing, stood out in every direction as if she had been running against the wind. She was wearing a small green T-shirt that accentuated her slim waist and sinewy arms and combined with baggy jeans she gave the impression of a rag doll. A pretty rag doll. But a rag doll nonetheless.

Pauline shook her head to get rid of her stray thoughts and plastered a professional smile on her face.  

“Ms Lister?” The rag doll’s voice was soft and held together despite the breathlessness.

“Mika?” Pauline made a gesture to the chair in front of her desk. “Come in and sit down.”


Mika felt her cheeks strain as she met her new mentor’s smile. She sat down on the chair, willing her heart to stop trying to hammer its way out of her chest. She couldn’t believe she was late for her first meeting with her mentor; she could have physically slapped herself. Sorry, Molly, I can’t believe I’m screwing up already. She reached into her pockets and closed her fingers around her keychain. As the edges of the key dug into the flesh of her palm, she felt herself grow calmer.

“Hello.” Apparently her mentor was Australian. “My name is Pauline Lister.”

“Mika Sinclair,” Mika murmured even though Pauline already knew her name. “Nice to meet you.” Her mentor had short brown hair and was wearing a burgundy shirt. She looked nice. Professional and put together.

“You too.” Pauline said curtly. “I trust you found your way here no problem?”

“Yes, yes. I’m sorry for being late.” Mika nodded. And I would have come on time if I hadn’t decided to visit Philip, Becky and Natalie. She sighed when she thought about how her little foster siblings had cried when she said goodbye. She had had to pry Natalie’s fingers from her neck to even be able to leave.

“So I think we should go through the classes you’re having this semester, and you also have some choices to make.”

 “Oh?” Mika took out her notepad and a pen and got ready. She hoped that Pauline wouldn’t make her opt out of her health and social care class.

“First, I need to ask you what kind of degree you’re hoping for at the end of your studies.”

Mika felt her face heat.

“Well, I applied for a joint degree of sociology and history, but…” Her face was getting hotter and hotter and she prayed to God that her cheeks weren’t as red as she dreaded they were. “I wanted to exchange my sociology classes for anatomy, and a health and social class.”

 Pauline raised one eyebrow.

“It let me do that online.”

“Did it now?” Pauline looked at her own screen and clicked at something.  “You need to take at least one sociology class, I’m afraid. Introduction to sociology is mandatory.”

Mika frowned. She had hoped to trick the system somehow.


She raised her head and their gazes met.

“Why are you studying sociology if you’re not interested in it?”

Because it’s what Molly would have wanted to study.

 Mika sighed.

“It doesn’t matter. Can I keep my anatomy class?”

Pauline looked puzzled but didn’t say anything else. She looked at the screen again.

“Yes you can. This semester you can take Introduction to sociology, one history class and one anatomy class.”

Mika nodded. She hugged the key tighter, not caring if it broke the skin. She fixated Pauline with her gaze, pleading her not to ask anything more.

“I can see here that you want to take Vikings class.” Pauline smiled and this time her smile looked more genuine and less out of politeness.

“Yes.” Mika nodded. She had looked at the different history classes the university offered and that had been the least boring one.

“Then I can only congratulate you on an amazing choice.” Pauline looked back at her screen but kept the easy smile.


“That’s one of mine.””