

Hi guys!

As you’ve probably noticed I haven’t been active here for the last couple of months. I’m still writing, but much less than before I started working. I’m now lying on the sofa, recovering from the flu and thought I would give a general update on what I’ve been up to.

Mainly, I’m working now. And to be honest, I’ve been struggling a little bit for different reasons. I don’t want to go into it but some days I haven’t been able to write anything. Not blog posts, not short stories and definitely not anything longer. I’m picking it up, slowly but surely and writing still has my heart. But I don’t have time and energy for everything I want to do.

The good news is that I have recieved the final beta reading on my novella “Out of Hand” which I hope to self-publish in January (more on that at a later time) and that I’m almost done with the first draft of my other novella called “Under the Fallen Star”.

Once I’m done with that I’m planning to finally finish up the next installment of “Never Break a Leg Before Christmas.”

In the meantime enjoy the photo of my dog, Einstein. 😀